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Our Organization

The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) Foundation is known in the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific Region as one of the pioneers in the field of community-based disaster risk reduction and management (CBDRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA).

Center for Disaster Preparedness
Foundation, Inc.

For more than 25 years, CDP Foundation has remained at the forefront as a resource center in community-based climate and disaster risk reduction and management (CB CDRRM). From its early beginnings in 1997 as the Disaster Resource Training Center carved out of the Training and Education Desk of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center, CDP Foundation was registered as an independent institution with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission on the 4th of January 1999.

We work with non-government organizations, people’s organizations, communities, and government agencies at all levels to enhance their capacities in disaster prevention and mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation and recovery.

We at the Center for Disaster Preparedness want to reach out to more communities and spread the message of resilience through capacity-development programs and projects in community-based climate and disaster risk reduction and management. We are raising funds and promoting awareness to instill a culture of safety and disaster preparedness.


Through advocacy in DRR policies, research, and implementation of activities in DRR, our team works tirelessly each day with the same goals in mind: to help build safe, resilient, and developed communities in the Philippines one barangay at a time.

Green Plants


CDP Foundation is committed to:

  • Strengthen community capacities for community-led, self-determined, development-oriented disaster risk reduction management to assert their rights and reduce their vulnerabilities

  • CDP does the following actions: Cultivate, Deliver, Promote Innovations, Facilitate and Influence.


CDP as a dynamic, progressive, and caring organization supports communities that lead their own path to a sustainable, safe, disaster-resistant, and climate-resilient development.


CDP shall seek to achieve the following end-results out of pursuing its mission:

  • Build and amplify a collective voice of diverse, local, and national organizations.

  • Position local actors as primary decision-makers in the global aid system to influence commitments.

  • Co-create, uplift, and amplify local solutions that increase leadership and ownership of actions and initiatives.

  • Generate and promote learning between and among partners to contribute to a credible and improved aid system.

Our Organizational Structure

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Board of Trustees

Dr. Cely Binoya


Dr. JC Gaillard

Press Relations Officer

Dr. Emmanuel Luna

Vice President

Eufemia C. Andaya

BOT Member

Carmel Pami-Ulanday


Loreine B. dela Cruz

BOT Member

Adelina Sevilla-Alvarez


Jelyne F. Gealone

BOT Member

Maria Rosario Felizco


Meet the Teams

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

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