Nowadays businesses are under a significant threat as counterfeit products are all over the market. Fake products not only lead to the loss of years of brand value and revenue but also breaks a customer’s trust. To address this issue, companies are increasingly turning to anti-counterfeit packaging as a necessary brand protection solution.
Anti-counterfeit packaging is particularly designed in such a way that it is difficult to replicate, making it hard for counterfeiters to produce fake products. It may incorporate various security features which facilitate the identification of counterfeit products. Apart from protecting brands against counterfeit products, anti-counterfeit packaging also assures customers of the authenticity of the products they purchase, increasing their confidence in the brand. One of the biggest advantages of anti-counterfeit packaging is that it enables tracking of products throughout the supply chain, preventing counterfeiters from entering the market. The usage of anti-counterfeit packaging also increases customer loyalty, driving more sales for the brand. GenuineMark, an innovative anti-counterfeiting technology by Genefied, offers a unique identity for each product, ensuring that it has a unique QR code that customers can scan to verify the authenticity of their purchase. Genefied’s GenuineMark provides unparalleled security for brands, protecting their reputation from counterfeiters. Thus, by using QR codes, and other anti-counterfeit measures, brands can effectively save themselves and their customers from counterfeit products.
For further information about GenuineMark and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology you can visit the link given below: