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CDP staff receive training in disability-inclusive development

Writer's picture: CDP Foundation, Inc.CDP Foundation, Inc.

Employees and staff from the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) participated in a Disability-Inclusive Development (DID) Training Workshop organized by the Life Haven Inc., an organization that advocates for the inclusion of persons with disabilities through the “independent living philosophy”, where people with disabilities are guided to become “independent, self-determined, and actively participating in promoting self-development.”[1]

The two (2)-day , was held at the Hive Hotel, Quezon City from May 22-24, 2017. The participants came from the different programs of CDP such as the Research, Knowledge Exchange and Management (RKEM), Projects and Partnerships, Humanitarian Preparedness and Response, as well as the Human Resource and Development Management. Other representatives from the national and local governments, and other CSOs were invited as well.

The workshop’s aim was to train development workers, national and local government project implementers, as well as private practitioners, in inclusive project management, where the framework of the Twin Track Approach, the Social Model of Disability, as well as international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) are applied in all levels of the project cycle. The workshop ended with a review of CDP’s current projects focusing on persons with disabilities, focusing on how the project can be made even more inclusive; as well as reflections on how participants can apply the learned principles in their everyday practice of their respective professions.

[1] Taken from the Life Haven website:

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