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Global CSO partners learn and share DRR practices in QC

Fatima Gay Molina

The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), together with the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) organized the Evaluation Framework Design Workshop, the first activity under the project ‘Institutionalizing Sustainable Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)’ at Novotel Manila, Philippines last September 20- 22, 2017. The aforesaid project was supported by Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance - United States Agency for International Development


The workshop was participated by regional and national members and partners of GNDR from Asia which includes Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) from India, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) from Thailand, and our very own staff from CD. From the Western Africa region, there’s Reseau Marp Burkina from Burkina Faso, Jeunes Volontaires Pour L' Environnement (JVE) from Niger, and, and ENDA Energie from Senegal. We also have delegates coming from the Latin America region such as Caritas Chile from Chile, Act Alliance from the Dominican Republic, and Relief and Resilience through Education in Transition (RET) International) from (Panama).

On the first day of the workshop, the participants learned about CBDRM from the sharing of Ms. Zenaida Delica- Willison, the President and one of the founding directors of CDP who was also instrumental in the founding of GNDR a decade ago. Each country representative also presented their experience in CBDRM and the goals of their projects. This was facilitated by Mr. Kossivi Nevaeme Adessou, the GNDR Regional Development Coordinator for Western Africa and Ms. Mave Bastias, the GNDR Regional Development Coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean. The activity enabled the participants to comprehend the commonalities and differences of CBDRM practices from one nation to another. Ms. Lorna P. Victoria, advisor and Ms. Eufemia Castro-Andaya, Deputy Executive Director and founding directors of CDP also shared their inputs on CBDRM.

Then, it was followed by a group work on sustainable and institutionalized CBDRM and indicators of sustainability and institutionalization that will be included for evaluation of CBDRM that was facilitated by Ms. Lucy Pearson, the GNDR Advocacy and Project Manager from the United Kingdom.

The following day, the participants visited CDP partners that lead good practices on CBDRM at the rural and urban areas. For urban governance, the participants learned about the initiatives of Quezon City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (QCDRRMO) headed by Mr. Myke Elum Marasigan, which was shared by Ms. Bianca Perez, the Chief of Research and Planning of QCDRRMO. Apart from this, the participants also met the other hardworking staff of QCDRRMO managing the high-end facilities on disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) such as the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), rescue equipment and transportation (that includes electronic vehicles donated by the government of Japan).

Then, for the rural context and community- based activities, the participants were inspired by the actions conducted at Brgy. Banaba, San Mateo, Rizal by different stakeholders at the community such as the Brgy. Council (village council), operators of the Material Recovery Facility (MRF), and, the people’s organization, the Buklod Tao, Inc. (BT), a long-time partner of CDP and a member of GNDR. Most of the current elected officials of the village council (Hon. Teresita Palma, Hon. Jonathan “Potpot Manaois” & Hon. Myra Batolinao) and operators of MRF used to be part of BT. Hon. Manaois and Batolinao shared about the flood marker, part of an early warning system (EWS) to promote preparedness in the community for it is prone to (river-induced) flooding.

The participants also discovered about different livelihood enterprises and fabrication of fiberglass rescue boat that promotes community resilience and CBDRM managed by the BT based from the discussions of Manuel “Ka Noli” Abinales, founding President; Ms. Francia Encinas, President; and, Pablo Taon, Vice President of the organization during the visit at the Banaba Livelihood Evacuation Center. They also served as witness to the turnover of the fiberglass rescue boat to the Armpac Homeowners’ Association that was supported by the International Disaster Volunteers (IDV). Ms. Mayfourth D. Luneta, the Deputy Executive Director of CDP facilitated the activity.

On the last day of the activity, reflections on the visit was led by Mr. Marcus Oxley, the Executive Director of GNDR. It was followed by the process of the case study collection was discussed by Mr. Rouf Mohammad Abdur, the GNDR Regional Development Coordinator for Asia and Pacific and the demonstration of the project management tool was led by Ms. Julia Taub, the Project Officer from the United Kingdom.

The project is currently implemented by the Projects and Partnerships Program (PPP) with Fatima Gay J. Molina as the focal person, supported by the PPP core team led by Ms. Maria Theresa Britanico, Program Head with Ms. Levinia Francisco and Roda Tajon; with the guidance of Ms. Loreine B. Dela Cruz, the Executive Director of CDP.

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