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Call for Case Studies on Good Practices and Institutionalization of CBDRM

Writer's picture: CDP Foundation, Inc.CDP Foundation, Inc.

The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), together with Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) along with its other partners across the world currently implement a USAID OFDA-funded project called “Institutionalizing Sustainable Community Based Disaster Risk Management” (CBDRM).

The project aims to better understand the critical factors for successful CBDRM, build capacities towards more sustainable CBDRM, and increase political will and commitment for its scale out. To know more about the project, please see video.

One of the activities of the said project under Phase/Year I is the National Case Study Collection that will detail local information on and good practices of CDBRM to be analysed to identify critical success factors, characteristics of a supportive enabling environment, and specific gaps and challenges that constrain or accelerate the scale out of CDBRM. If your organization is interested to submit, watch the video for further information.

To access the template, get in touch with Ms. Fatima Gay J. Molina, project focal person at, (02) 361-2243, 2191 and 0917- 8503731.

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