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CDP concludes Luzon consultations on data management for persons with disabilities

Writer's picture: CDP Foundation, Inc.CDP Foundation, Inc.

To cap off its series of consultations in Luzon, the Center for Disaster Preparedness, in partnership with AKAP Pinoy Foundation, invited at least 41 participants from PDAOs, C/MDRRMO and various DPOs in Metro Manila, Quezon Province, Baguio, and Camarines Norte last February 18 at Bayview Park Hotel in Ermita, Manila. These participants were among the first batch to test the version 1.0 of the data capturing tool through the Kobo Collect App.

The next leg of consultations will be conducted in Zamboanga City this March 7th with the our PROSPER Team, and in Cebu City this March 22nd with DiDRRNet.

Data is an important consideration in ensuring the safety and protection of Persons with Disabilities during disaster situations. This was highlighted during the National Conference on Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Conference (NatCon on DiDRR) organized by CDP in partnership with A2D Project, National Council on Disability affairs, and the Provincial and City Government of Cebu on October 12-13, 2017 in Cebu City.

The participants in the regional consultations leading to the NatCon on DiDRR also emphasized that “without accurate data, the sector cannot be recognized, counted, and be accounted for.” Subsequently, the delegates in the Cebu Declaration on DiDRRM committed to improving data management on gender, age, and disability with focus on collection, disaggregation, and standardization for risk information and assessment.

This project is an important step and follow through to CDP's commitment to inclusive DRRM. The overall objective is to develop a data gathering tool that would gather relevant information on persons with disability; aiding in the identification of persons with disability through the Washington Group of Questions (WGQ); along with their needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities before, during and after a disaster.

Among the project's key activities include consultations with national and local stakeholders, including DPOs and PDAOs, to develop, field test and pilot a tool to collect disability and DRR and management information; and capacitate stakeholders in its use. Through the IDMS, appropriate programs and budgets for persons with disabilities can be integrated in the Annual Investment Plan of cities and municipalities.

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