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DRR practitioners attend Climate Forum in Zamboanga Del Sur

Mark Alfred Rosete

The Center for Disaster Preparedness’ PROSPER Project, in partnership with PAGASA and the Department of Agriculture, conducted a Climate Forum on February 16, 2022, in Barangay Pasingkalan, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga Del Sur.

The activity aimed to provide a venue for local government, private sector representatives, community members including farmers, to access relevant climate forecasts helpful in anticipating major climatic and weather events necessary in developing effective mitigating measures from the possible impacts of disasters.

A total of one-hundred and seven (107) participants composed of various sectors from the different Barangays and LGUs of Zamboanga Del Sur, Zamboanga Del Norte, and Misamis Occidental participated in this forum.

Mr. Anthony Joseph Lucero, Weather Service Chief of Mindanao PAGASA Regional Services Division (MPRSD), highlighted the re-emergence of La Niña as per the department’s climate models. "La Niña, which re-emerged during the third quarter of 2021 continues to persist across the tropical Pacific Ocean. The majority of climate models suggest that La Niña will likely continue until March-April-May 2022 season (~60%), with a return to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-neutral conditions during April-May-June 2022 season”, he said.

Local DRRMCs and the Agricultural sector were expected to integrate this climate information into their resilience-building strategies and programs to help communities, especially the agricultural sector, in mitigating possible impacts through better decision making.


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