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Building Community Resilience and Preparedness for Effective Disaster Prevention and Response: Twin Approach

The project Persons with Disabilities: Empowered, Engaged is a year- long project implemented by the PPP in partnership with the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB). It covered six communities in the municipalities of Balangiga and Lawaan in the province of Eastern Samar. DRRM capacity building activities were organized for this project and these included: ToT on Disability Inclusive DRRM (DiDRRM), CRA workshops, BDRRMP workshop, sensitization of project stakeholders on disability inclusion, and psychosocial support services training. One of the project’s key milestones was the reactivation of disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) in the covered municipalities. This provided an enabling environment for the persons with disability to exercise leadership and gain confidence as active development agents in their respective communities.

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