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This document has been based on the Four Humanitarian Principles, Nine Humanitarian Standards Christian Aid Rapid Response Team - Humanitarian Orientation for Partners Empowerment (49CARRAT-HOPE) Trainer's Manual developed by Christian Aid (CA). 


Modifications have been made on this document to apply the lessons gained by the Consortium on Humanitarian Action and Protection (CHAP) from training activities conducted on field. 


CHAP is composed of Buklod Tao, Inc. (Buklod), Balay Rehabilitation Center (Balay), Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), and Camarines Norte Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO).

Basic Training Manual on Rights-Based Humanitarian Action and Protection

  • Context and Objectives 


    The Consortium on Humanitarian Action and Protection (CHAP) was organized in 2016 to enable its members to collectively share and institutionalize good practices on rights-based humanitarian response in their respective areas.  One of CHAP’s key interventions has been the provision of the Basic Training on Rights-Based Humanitarian Response (RBHR) to response workers and volunteers in local government units (LGU), non-government organizations (NGOs), and people’s organizations (POs).   

    The RBHR Training seeks to provide the foundation needed by humanitarian workers and volunteers to uphold human rights during emergency response.  Specifically, the training seeks to enable the participants to: 


    »    Relate emergency response in the context of human rights and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) framework;

    »    Apply the humanitarian principles, humanitarian core standards, and rights-based approach (RBA) in humanitarian response work;

    »    Explain the process of emergency assessment, humanitarian response programming, and emergency response management that is consistent with humanitarian principles and standards, and RBA; and

    »    Discuss how humanitarian workers can be mobilized, nurtured, and sustained for humanitarian response.


    This manual is designed to guide the RBHR trainers from CHAP, as well as the graduates of the training who intend to pass on their learnings to others, in facilitating a similar training for trainers, advocates, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (LDRRMC) members, and volunteers in their localities/projects areas. 

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