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DRR Community of Practice

Fostering and Nurturing our Community of Practice (CoP): Sustaining Meaningful Encounters and Conversations Between and Among CoP Members

In the past, Give2Asia worked with about 20 DRRM organizations/networks in the Philippines, which led to the establishment of a Community of Practice (CoP). As the focal point for the current phase of the project, CDP will help in fostering meaningful encounters, sharing and consolidating relevant learnings, and sustaining the momentum of the CoP in the Philippines. As well, the CoP can radiate in the key major islands of the country where community members are present, igniting learning and innovation among fellow practitioners. Beyond this, the project also aims to foster the sustainability not only of the in-country CoP but also pave the way toward the strengthening of the multi-country Disaster Ready joint movement at the regional level. However, the most vital aim of this undertaking is to ensure that it becomes a nurturing platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration, not only helping to promote coherence at all levels of engagement but also aid in effecting social change.


DRREAM BEGINS or Disaster Risk Reduction through Empowerment of At-risk Municipalities and Communities in Benguet and Northern Samar is a partnership project of the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The project upholds the child-centered approach in DRRM/CCA and is geared towards the integration of children’s rights and concerns to local DRR plans. It aims to institutionalize children’s participation and representation in DRR/CCA with the formal inclusion of children and youth representatives to local DRR councils.
The project works for the mainstreaming of the multisectoral child-centered DRR approach during emergencies referring to the sectors on Child Protection, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Health, Education and Nutrition. Mainstreaming these sectors capacitate duty bearers on how children are protected, and their needs are properly addressed during disasters. The COVID-19 Pandemic was integrated in all project activities making the intervention more timely and relevant.
DRREAM BEGINS covers five municipalities in Northern Samar namely Catubig, Mondragon, San Antonio, Lope de Vega, Rosario, and the municipality of Itogon in the province of Benguet. It has separate activities for the Provincial Local Government Unit of Northern Samar in order to upscale the municipal interventions towards ensuring its replication and sustainability. The project commenced on February 1, 2020 and will be implemented until June 30, 2021.


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To develop a data gathering tool that would gather relevant information on persons with disabilities; aiding in the identification of persons with disabilities through the Washington Group of Questions (WGQ); along with their needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities before, during, and after a disaster.

 Ultimately, the intended output of the project is the establishment of a comprehensive data management system for persons with disabilities at the municipal or city level. 

Inclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities

Relevant information on persons with disabilities which include age, gender, disability, etc., should be available in order for local governments and agencies to accurately provide disability-specific services, inclusive risk assessments, planning, and policymaking. At present, no such disaggregated and publicly available data is present in the Philippines. Moreover, a data-gathering tool to accurately record disability information, which includes specific disabilities and needs, has not yet been mainstreamed in local government processes.

The Center for Disaster Preparedness piloted the Inclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities Hence from September 2018 to March 2021. It aims to promote the inclusion of persons with
disabilities in planning, budgeting, and other development processes of local government and agencies particularly in DRRM. Its intended outcome is the increased capacity of local governments to capture specific information on persons with disabilities in their localities. This project will collect and record information on disability and disaster risk reduction & management (DRRM) through the use of Kobo Collect, an open source Android application used in primary data collection for challenging environments.


The Philippine Preparedness Partnership is the collaboration between key stakeholders of the three main actors in humanitarian action, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) for the government, Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF) for the private sector. As the primary advocate of tripartite partnership in the country, PhilPrep ensures cohesive action between the three sectors in any and all humanitarian initiatives it conducts across the three major islands of the Philippines.

Since its inception, PhilPrep has demonstrated how the three important sectors (government, civil society, and private sector) can showcase coordination, collaboration, and partnership, in view of wider influence in policy and practice in order to ultimately make an innovative contribution for significant changes in the humanitarian ecosystem in the country. Now on its second phase, PHILPREP leans to greater emphasis on increasing locally-led actions in the Philippines, the partnership initiates focused action towards contributing to the APP North Star: Safer and well-prepared communities through locally-led DRM actions, so that disaster impacts on at-risk communities in Asia will be reduced.

Pinnovation Academy

To encourage institutionalization of Filipino (Pinoy) Innovation is a project of the Community Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) with the Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF-Elrha), Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN)-Tokyo Innovation Hub (ATIH), START Network and the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP).

Project Defend

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Project Prosper

The Project Participation in Resilience Building and Organizing Safe and Progressive communities for Empowerment, Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction (PROSPER), implemented by the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) in partnership with the USAID-OFDA, is now on its third phase and is focusing on resilience-building in Regions IX and X. PROSPER Phase III: Re-Build Salug Valley utilizes the ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction approach with which the ecosystems that consist of forests, wetlands and mangroves are harnessed and utilized in an organized manner to prevent and mitigate disasters. Eight focus barangays and 12 municipal local government units (MLGUs) are covered by this new project in the range of mountains, reefs and ridges having a shared valley named Salug. This project runs from Nov. 10, 2019 – Oct. 9, 2021.

Scaling Across Integrated Risk Management at the Local and National Level (SAIL)

"Scaling Across Integrated Risk Management at the Local and National Level is a 3-Year Project that focus on Pangasinan Province in Region 1 with its goal in Building inclusive resilience in family and community systems to reduce the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on human population, the ecosystem and ecosystem services for holistic and risk-informed development.

This project aims to promote and build resilience by addressing risks, vulnerabilities, needs, and capacities through responsive climate adaptation and risk reduction plans that help create spaces for meaningful participation of women and men in key targeted areas. It also aims to contribute to reducing the impacts of natural hazards and climate change on human population, the ecosystem & ecosystem services and building inclusive resilience in family, and community systems for holistic and risk-informed development.

Specifically, the project partnership’s twin-track approach engages multi-stakeholders at national level and at subnational and local levels. At subnational and local levels, the focus is on one key region with at least one strategic province as focus area. At the national level, national key agencies are to be engaged in participatory risk-informed planning on Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction, the formulation and enhancement of ecosystem management and adaptation plan, advocacy on ecosystem management, policy making and resource mobilization all for the purpose of integrated risk management.

This project engages 7 Municipalities and 1 City along Agno River. These LGUs are Rosales, Alcala, Bautista, Urbiztondo, Mangatarem, San Carlos City, Bugallon, and Lingayen."

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