DRR Community of Practice
Fostering and Nurturing our Community of Practice (CoP): Sustaining Meaningful Encounters and Conversations Between and Among CoP Members
In the past, Give2Asia worked with about 20 DRRM organizations/networks in the Philippines, which led to the establishment of a Community of Practice (CoP). As the focal point for the current phase of the project, CDP will help in fostering meaningful encounters, sharing and consolidating relevant learnings, and sustaining the momentum of the CoP in the Philippines. As well, the CoP can radiate in the key major islands of the country where community members are present, igniting learning and innovation among fellow practitioners. Beyond this, the project also aims to foster the sustainability not only of the in-country CoP but also pave the way toward the strengthening of the multi-country Disaster Ready joint movement at the regional level. However, the most vital aim of this undertaking is to ensure that it becomes a nurturing platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration, not only helping to promote coherence at all levels of engagement but also aid in effecting social change.