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Inclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities

Relevant information on persons with disabilities which include age, gender, disability, etc., should be available in order for local governments and agencies to accurately provide disability-specific services, inclusive risk assessments, planning, and policymaking. At present, no such disaggregated and publicly available data is present in the Philippines. Moreover, a data-gathering tool to accurately record disability information, which includes specific disabilities and needs, has not yet been mainstreamed in local government processes.

The Center for Disaster Preparedness piloted the Inclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities Hence from September 2018 to March 2021. It aims to promote the inclusion of persons with
disabilities in planning, budgeting, and other development processes of local government and agencies particularly in DRRM. Its intended outcome is the increased capacity of local governments to capture specific information on persons with disabilities in their localities. This project will collect and record information on disability and disaster risk reduction & management (DRRM) through the use of Kobo Collect, an open source Android application used in primary data collection for challenging environments.

Inclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities

To establish a comprehensive data management system for persons with disabilities at the municipal or city level and to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in planning, budgeting, and other development processes of local government and agencies particularly in DRRM

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