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Pinnovation Academy

To encourage institutionalization of Filipino (Pinoy) Innovation is a project of the Community Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) with the Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF-Elrha), Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN)-Tokyo Innovation Hub (ATIH), START Network and the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP).

Pinnovation Academy

• engage and influence the government in supporting DRRM innovations at the local levels through integrating innovation platforms, framework, and system in the national and local DRRM framework and systems;
• establish an Innovation Academy which will encourage local communities to understand and identify the problems before during and after disasters. Moreover ideate, develop, test, and scale up local solutions for DRRM and;
• organize, harmonize, promote and sustain innovation practices across sector and levels through an established community of practice and knowledge management system.
The project will be implemented in phases with different focus. These phases are Program and Operations Set-up, Exploration Stage, Discovery Stage, Development Stage, Growth/Sustainability Stage.During the Discovery Stage, one call for each of the major island (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) will be made. The innovators will be asked for a very basic/simple proposal to be submitted, together with the community risk assessment. The first round of selection will occur with a current target of 15-20 innovation ideas to be selected. Small grants will be disbursed to chosen innovation ideas.
In the Development Stage, financial and non-financial support will be given to the innovators depending on the need-based design. Some recommendations are capacity building, mentoring, skills training and workshops on the topics as requested by the innovators.
Six Key Result Areas (KRA’s) are identified for this project. Each KRA will focus on key aspect in programming and influencing work such as Collaboration and Partnership; Systems and Mechanism Development and Implementation; Community Engagement through Knowledge Awareness and Capacity Building; Private Sector Engagement; National and Local Level Advocac¬y and Policy Lobbying; and Knowledge Management for Sustainability.
The Pinnovation Academy project is guided by the Community-Led Development approach towards reaching the impact that local innovation solutions reduce and prevent disaster risks in local communities. The project runs from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023.

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